Veganuary is an insightful and cheerful way to learn how to steer clear of meat, fish and dairy products, and to still enjoy fast, easy and tasty food.

Veganuary is the brainchild of Jane & Matthew. Since promising to immediately turn people into total veganists would be a tall order, they settled on the idea of a veganist start in January, the month of good intentions. That would be a more accessible and feasible way for many people.

Offering information in an active and clear way, their website explains why veganist food is good for you and for the planet. The bracelet that you can wear to show you’re taking part is the only silly aspect of the whole site (sorry, you won’t catch me wearing that!).

But you’ll find delicious recipes that whet the appetite straight away, an item that dispels vegan myths such as: ‘vegan food is boring’ and ‘won’t I suffer from a lack of protein’. And there’s an eating-out guide, and tips for cosmetics, medicines and household products.

There’s even a list of Vegan people, where celebrities and ordinary people talk about their ‘vegan lifestyle’. Versions of the site are already available in the US, Australia and Britain. Other sites in other languages are in development.

Maybe you’ve already seen the film Forks over Knifes. Or you already know that too much meat, fish and cheese is not really good for you and leaves behind a sizeable footprint on the earth. Even if you don’t want to become a hardcore veganist, this helpful site will encourage you to stick to vegetable food. If a lot more people did that more often, the world would be a better place.

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