We are delighted to announce a new, free event series in Amsterdam, Redesign Everything Talks, giving the stage to visionary creatives and innovative makers to explore climate solutions through the lens of design. In this first collaboration between What Design Can Do and Pakhuis de Zwijger we will explore insights from inspiring pioneers and their perspective on design for social and climate justice.

Everything around us has been designed: the clothes we wear, the buildings we live and work in, even the systems that deliver our food and mobility. Unfortunately, most things have been designed to fit the linear model, where life cycles are short and materials are nearly impossible to recover. How can we design differently? 

If you’re in Amsterdam, join these free inspiring events to discover more about circular design. And if you can’t make them, the four events will be recorded and published on our channels.

Join our first event on Tuesday, 2 April at 20:00 at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam because we will kick off with an exciting panel with Borre Akkersdijk, Priyanka Bista, Edwin Gardner, and Ece Tan. The talks will be moderated by Dymphie Braun. You won’t want to miss it!


Redesign Everything Talks Pakhuis de Zwijger


The Redesign Everything Talks correlates with What Design Can Do’s latest design competition the Redesign Everything Challenge, seeking creative solutions to address the climate crisis for a fair and circular future. Changemakers everywhere are invited to submit ideas to radically redesign the world we live in — our products, materials, stories, systems, services and spaces — through a circular and regenerative lens.

The talks are centred on eight strategies for change: Reimagine, Restore, Reconnect, Reframe, Refuse, Reduce, Repair and Recycle. Visionary creatives and innovative makers will explore the topics from local and international perspectives, in the Netherlands and all over the world.