Many professionals believe that sexual exploitation of minors doesn’t take place in their immediate circles. Only when they become aware that this is not true can they be in a position to spot the signs and do something about it. Personal stories are an effective way of breaking down prejudices and raising awareness. See Me Now confronts professionals with these stories, with the aim of making them aware of the problems of sexual exploitation. The See Me Now platform also offers scope for action: here, professionals can find a list of signs, ask questions in an automated chat and be led to a care coordinator or CoMensha (Coordination Centre Against Human Trafficking).

What was it like to participate in No Minor Thing?

‘Tough, because of the nature of the issue, but also rewarding to be able to contribute to a solution by seeking out ways for professionals to improve their recognition of signals. In addition, it was great to be able to move our network for this project. From actors to film-makers, from scenario writers to editors.’

‘The creative industry has an important role and responsibility with regards to finding solutions for major social themes.’

While working on this project, what has caught you by surprise the most?

‘The power of the story. Not that we still needed to be convinced of the power of stories, but it became particularly tangible in this project. The number of registrations is increasing measurably after each information meeting organised by care coordinators. We believe that can be ascribed to those personal stories and testimonies.’


What role do you attribute to design when it comes to this type of social issue?

‘The creative industry has an important role and responsibility with regards to finding solutions for major social themes. Whether it be climate change or immigration: the connecting and designing power of our industry is vital in this rapidly changing world.’

Do you intend to continue the project once the challenge is over?

‘Yes, please! We believe that our plan, where personal stories are deployed as a means to break through preconceptions and create awareness, can help professionals identify signals of sexual abuse of minors and do something sooner. We would love to elaborate and realise our concept together with the Public Prosecution Service, the Ministry of Justice and Safety and social organisations such as CoMensha and/or Fier.