You are invited to cast your gaze to the future to rethink the modest napkin

Hosted by: Sam Bompas

Over the past millennia there has been relatively little innovation in napkin technology, with paper napkins being used by the Chinese as early as the 2nd Century BC. This workshop will explore potential napery innovations for centuries to come. There’s the chance the work will provoke a paradigm shift in the napkin use of future generations.

Take away
Napkins of the Future will see the design, creation and presentation of innovative napkins. Imagine napkins able to detect poison, alerting drinkers that their vodka may contain methanol. Others will contain shape memory alloys that will self-fold. Thermochomatic fabrics change colour with temperature if people overheat. Japanese diners today are concerned about the radioactivity levels of their produce following the Fukushima accident. Perhaps the napkin of the future will be able to protect wary eaters from such hazards.


You can register for all breakout sessions during the event in Frontón México from 08:00 – 09:30, from 11:30 – 12:00 and from 13:30 – 14:00. Please note, spaces for this specific breakout session are limited. If you would like to join, make sure you register on time. First come, first serve.