Changing the course of the climate crisis means saving all that we can, while building a new way of life that is regenerative and restorative by design. It also means telling better stories about the world than those who are destroying it, and imagining a future that is more sustainable, equitable and beautiful than the past. During the festival, we’ll explore what this might look like in practice through the lens of three core themes.

Designing for Climate Justice

Though climate change is a global problem, its burdens are not shared evenly across society. Those who pollute the least often suffer the most, and as a result of longstanding oppression, marginalised communities are also more vulnerable to compound challenges like food insecurity and mass displacement. To build a different future, we need a better understanding of how climate issues — and solutions — impact people differently across intersections like class, gender and race. What lies at the root of these inequalities? How are they baked into our lives, products and cities? And how can designers contribute to collective liberation?

From Ancient Knowledge to Artificial Intelligence

In search of solutions, designers increasingly turn to ancestral and local ways of making, building and living. Often, this means revaluing or reviving traditional knowledge of materials, products and services that have been preserved within circular communities for centuries. At the same time, we are living in an era marked by artificial intelligence, and a fascination for all things virtual, augmented and data-driven. What role do old and new technologies play in the transition to a fair and sustainable future? How can we restore ancient knowledge in places deprived of their historical and cultural heritage? And what does it mean to seek wisdom in the age of information?

Designing for the Circular Transition

Getting to the root of the climate crisis means changing how the economy works (and how it doesn’t). No sector can do this alone — but designers can pave the way by shifting from linear to circular modes of production. Many are already taking an active role in this transition, and part of this year’s programme is dedicated to the next generation of creative entrepreneurs who are working towards a restorative and regenerative future. On the main stage, the 11 winners of the global Redesign Everything Challenge will present their projects to the public as well as a panel of industry experts. A special exhibition and networking session will follow, with room for interested parties to connect with the winning designers.