Lesbian indigenous woman, Popoloca speaker, training in Educational Psychology, founder and member of the collective Mujeres de la Tierra, Mujeres de la Periferia in Milpa Alta. Activist and defender of the territory and the rights of rural women, creator and disseminator of content and political reflections attached to environmental education, food sovereignty, popular and community education on food, planting and protection of Creole corn not intervened by chemicals.

Women of the Earth, Women of the Periphery is a collective of indigenous women and girls who inhabit Milpa Alta, work and resist by joining a struggle against the various violence that crosses us, we defend the territory, caring for, planting, protecting the land from memory and practice of peasant agriculture. We promote a healthy diet based on Creole corn, nopal, and beans, we embrace the stove (the kitchen of native peoples) claiming it as a space for listening, sharing, accompaniment and healing, with the aim of achieving economic, emotional, and physical autonomy. They make their work a popular and community educational training process that share with different populations.